My web site

mstanton125 wrote on 8/26/2008, 3:54 AM
I have bought and paid for '' and 'www,', and published my site as per your instructions,but when I log on either address through Google I am informed that no result can be found for 'www.michael-stanton. net, and that '' brings up details of someone with the same domain name in America. 
How come both my domain names I have paid for belong to someone else already, and where is my web site I published. please advise.


Lazerboy wrote on 8/26/2008, 5:37 AM
Dear Mike,

1. This is a user community and NOT THE MAGIX SUPPORT. We are all users, so we can help each other to solve problems, but we cannot change the product. In case contact the Magix support

2. Your problem has nothing to do with the Website Maker. Google search crawlers do not work realtime. It means that if you change something, you will see no results 5 minutes later in the Google searches. Depending on the changing search algorithm it can take between 2 weeks to 6 weeks until you see changes in search results. At my website it took 3 month! Again, that is NOT the fault of the product, it is only depending on Google.

It is very important that you change under "options" the description, naming and keywords. Also it is important to collect as many links to your site as possible (friends, blogs....) and also use many internal links within your site. That will push you in the search results....