My cd/dvd drive wont recognise my new Samplitude Music Studio 15 disk. can anyone help me with this problem?

allanmcclure wrote on 3/20/2011, 8:34 AM

I am using Windows XP, my cd/dvd drive is an NEC DVD_RW is functioning, reading, writing and burning all other disks except the Samplitude Music Studio 15 disk.

It comes up as blank with no data on disk, but I checked it on my  TV DVD player and the data is on the disk.

I contacted Magix and was told that it may be a diagnostic problem.

I have checked drive in Windows and it says that drive is working ok and also the driver is ok.


can someone help or advise me




Man o' Lakes wrote on 3/21/2011, 5:42 AM

Hi there, have you tried getting an uptodate driver for your NEC Drive. Also, do you have a virtual drive setup in your computer; if so turn it off. That can hinder things. Get  a Syscheck from MAGIX as that can save a lot of to-ing and fro-ing. Cheers, M o' L.