
ralftaro wrote on 4/28/2009, 4:58 AM

What exactly are you capturing and how? Is this a DV/HDV capture? Is this an analog capture? What frame rate are you capturing at?

Something like this could be the result of frames being dropped during the capturing process or some frame rate setting being incorrect. However, to give some more specific advice, I'd really need some answers to the questions above first. Thanks.

ralftaro wrote on 5/6/2009, 10:31 AM
Thanks for the additional info. Sounds like you might be dropping frames during the capturing process. Pay attention to the dropped frame counter and see whether you can confirm this. Regardless of whether it is actually counting dropped frames there or not, this can be related to system performance and drivers. You might want to update main chipset and FireWire controller drivers to make sure all components are performing as they should. Make sure you hard drive's writing performance is up to snuff to write the massive amounts of DV data as quick as it's coming in. Disconnect unneeded devices and disabled unneeded applications in order to make sure you're not wasting any system performance and data throughput.

I hope this helps.