Music Studio 12 de Luxe

acasunshine wrote on 11/6/2009, 11:55 AM

Hi. I want to know if is possible to work just with midi in Music Studio 12 de luxe. Thanks a lot for your help.


p.s. I forgot to ask if I can use the vituals synthes with the midis.

Thanks a lot to Justin and Procyon for the information. I still dont understand very well this program and I have many problems to work with it but I am gonna continue and hope to be able to do something. 


NoTurning wrote on 11/6/2009, 7:43 PM
Basically yes and yes. Though the Music Maker line is not really the best for MIDI only work it can be done and the synths in MM12 can be used with MIDI.


Stop by the Magix Music Making group for more tips, tricks and answers.
Procyon wrote on 11/7/2009, 2:43 PM
There seems to be some confusion here (at least in MY mind).

He is asking about Music Studio 12 Deluxe and not Music Maker.  I assume MS-12 is one of the precusors of Samplitude, is it not?

Are the old Music Studio programs as limited as the Music Maker series?
NoTurning wrote on 11/7/2009, 3:50 PM
Good eye Procyon... Thanks!
Same goes for Music Studio.