Music Maker 2024 version with drop down menu

Warren-Cowan wrote on 5/18/2024, 3:29 AM

I have Music Maker 2024 version and I'm having problems with my drop down menus not populating when i select it. It happened this morning again when i opened the MIDI Editor and edit my MIDI files...the drop Edit, File, MIDI Functions etc was not responding. This is frustrating. Please can someone assist. Regards


Warren-Cowan wrote on 5/18/2024, 3:43 AM

I think I may have resolved my own query for now which is not an ideal solution but it at least works. Music Maker for some reason creates this problem when i'm connected to a second monitor, in this case it's an actual TV and not just a second monitor screen. When i disconnect from this monitor only then does the drop down menu options work. Not too sure why this happens and would still like to know if anyone else has experienced this before.

gjonny wrote on 5/18/2024, 6:46 PM

I don't have an answer for you, but for clarity: can you say more about how you're using MM with 2 monitors. . . 
1) are you trying to use an undocked MM window on the second monitor, or
2) are you using *all* of MM on only the 1 monitor (which monitor?), or
3) ?