Multiple Websites, one account

quintacal wrote on 3/18/2009, 9:28 AM

Just want to be sure about this:

There are some (what may be old) posts that suggest that you can only publish one website per account.

Now I am reading that you can have multiple websites on one account as long as you have the domains to put them on.

May I have more than one website on an account?

Do I have to have more than one domain registered with Magix to do this, or can I export them to my other domains I have regestered elsewhere?


ralftaro wrote on 3/18/2009, 12:22 PM
Hi there,

It depends on what account rate of Website Maker you're using. You need the "Deluxe" package in order to get the multi-project mode. See also the following comparison table:

You would need to have a domain name registered within your Website Maker account for each website you want to publish. What will happen is that once you get to the stage of using the publish function, you will get a dialog that lists all your domain names and you can specify under which domain name(s) the site you're about to publish should appear.

I hope this info helps.