MPEG-4 movie to smaller size

LeonieN wrote on 5/10/2011, 8:28 AM

I need to convert a 13MB MPEG4-video to approx 5MB for use on the web.


I dont seem to get the file smaller.  The specs should stay 640x480 and it should be flash. Do I need a converter or can Magix do it.  I use Video ProX2.  Pls instruct me how to do it as I cannot load such a huge file unto the web. The similar file is just under 4MB in the Camtasia video programme & Im sure Magix must be able to get it smaller too.


john-auvil wrote on 5/10/2011, 10:18 AM

MAGIX can get it smaller yes, but you are saying it must be in the Flash format, which MAGIX does not do...


I usually convert down to a WMV format for the web or transferring. You might try that for export.

yvon-robert wrote on 5/10/2011, 4:09 PM


Make it with Camtasia or do the same with Magix same way as Camtasia

Original size is 640 x 480 stay with this,

Frame rate try 12 or 15 also you can reduce the bit rate cutting the bitrate you rduce the quality and the size.

In frame rate you can go to as low 5 but movement is affected is not smooth but you can try it.

Remark experts can tell you not touch to the frame rate but think that is you remove 50% of frame the movie size can drop as 50 % the older day of computer we can capture as 2 frames per second.



Man o' Lakes wrote on 5/13/2011, 3:54 AM

Thought H.264 had nicely superseded flash, (well almost) in which case all the options you require for the 640 x 480 are there in the Export Movie, Video as MPEG4 under File? Don't have your 13 MB file, so don't know about the full reduction in size that takes place. Perhaps you already tried this?


Just a thouhgt, but do make sure that you have all the updates for VPX2, so that when it opens it shows VP2.5. Cheers, M o' L.

LeonieN wrote on 5/13/2011, 4:17 AM

Magix have a wonderful range of options with regard to the movie exports (of which I tried almost each one) - the problem is the file sizes which are very huge & I dont understand how its possible in a small program like Camtasia to get it into a manageble small file with the same dimensions & settings, but Magix delivers a file 2or3 times bigger.  Thanx, I will try all your suggestions and see if Magix co-operates.




Man o' Lakes wrote on 5/16/2011, 4:15 AM

Do tell us what happens. Just a thought, but are you exporting with a menu? If so ttry without. John has a point, as there is not a flv export option. Cheers, M o' L.

LeonieN wrote on 5/16/2011, 4:25 AM

I have found the actual reason why the file seemed so big and yet in other programmes are much smaller.  Rediculous as it might sound - at the end of the recording is a stretch of about 8min with absolutely nothing in it.  This obviously adds to the time and size of the movie.  I've tried to delete it, but have not found a way to do it (not even the cut at end of movie works) and there is nothing to select to delete.  After that massive piece of nothingness is deleted, the file will probably end up the size I anticipated it to be. I have only started using Magix a week ago and still have a lot to learn about the programme... if anyone would spare me to have to work through the 411page tutorial to find out how to delete "nothing" to make the file smaller - it would really save me a lot of time and effort!

john-auvil wrote on 5/16/2011, 10:32 AM

You can try setting an end range...


In the illustration below I have right mouse clicked where I have placed the Time Line (Red Box) and I have selected 'Marker', in that menu I selected End Marker...



What this gives me is a range from the start of the video to the area I selected the video to stop (Green Box). Now when I export, I can tell the export to only export the range I have set.



That should do the trick for you.


I used .wmv as that is what I use for file size to quality. I prefer it over .flv format. The export range will be available for any format you choose.

LeonieN wrote on 5/17/2011, 8:10 AM

Thanx John, I appreciate your help with this - I will try it & trust that this time, it will be sorted.


Man o' Lakes wrote on 5/25/2011, 4:12 AM

Hm, wonder where those extra 8 mins came from. Either way do as John says and kill it, and remember to tell us what happens.