was kicked out of the program with a error so reloaded it.it asked to locate a mp3 for the arrangement that was used but when it loaded the mp3 it was off tempo and dont remmber what the tempo was for that . please help as it was alot of work ....
man iv came up with good ideas complet full ideas lost gone or some cases frezzes and work gliches come about,as i now set a habit for myself on from keeping this from happening again useing magix mx music maker to once in a whyle or after each added instrament (hit the save button )and man more then 10 times im glad i did no work lost as u just reload your last saved project .tempo same every thing except the time wasted reloading what i had in progress.bro u got the recorded work uv done thats a plus if i were you id just try to here the tempo and u ur self set it to were it once was or at least try so till it sounds the way you once had it balive thats the only opition for ya pal ,yet gain no lost work wish i had your case menny times as i do know my set tempo from the get go .