Movie Studio 14 - Track Info Display Colour

Zingfharn wrote on 3/21/2017, 1:32 PM

Hi. I've recently upgraded from Sony Movie Studio 12 to Magix Studio 14 or whatever it's called now.

I finally found the option to switch on speed info and track info (view -> active take information).

But! The little boxes on the top left and bottom right are very poor contrast. I can't find anywhere in the options or preferences to adjust this.


As a comparison, you can see it was much darker in 12. Any ideas please before I go blind?


emmrecs wrote on 3/22/2017, 4:24 AM

I suggest you post this to the Vegas forum,

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam