movie is not displayed

dradam wrote on 7/20/2008, 12:09 PM
I am using Magix Movie Editor Pro 12.  OS is Win XP Pro.

I loaded my .avi file (quite big,18 GB ) and I am trying to edit.

Unfortunatelly I am not able to play/edit this file as nothing comes up in the window, which is supposed to be displaying my recording. It stays green all the time, and nothing shows (left upper window, if this helps).

Of course editing is out of question and I am stuck with it.

Any idea how to have this movie displayed/played in this window ?

Thanking in advance !


ralftaro wrote on 7/21/2008, 1:46 PM

It would be important to establish whether this is a problem of the program not being able to properly display (any) information in the preview window or whether this is an issue specific to the source material you're trying to use.

So, basically, the question is: Can you see anything that you import and preview in Movie Edit Pro in the preview window? How about the demo project that comes with the program? Can you load and preview it? If not, this is obviously a general problem displaying correct on your system/graphics driver. In this case, just go into the MEP program settings ("Y" key), switch to the "Display options" tab and experiment with other video modes. One of these is bound to work for you, even if the default one doesn't. An update for your graphics driver might be in order, too.

The alternative would be that the whole graphics driver and preview display doesn't have any problems, but that the source material doesn't get handled properly. The first step would be to establish what video codec is being used in your video material. AVI is a container format and pretty much anything could be in there, including highly specialized or exotic codecs. Use this program to establish what codec is used and whether it's installed on your system:

I hope this helps!