Movie created with Movie Edit Pro does not open

ETC65 wrote on 5/17/2009, 9:09 AM
For several times, while I was adding a soundtrack to my movie, Movie Edit Pro 14 would just freeze and force me to "enter-alt-del" and close the application. Knowing this problem could be iminent, I have learned to save the file everytime I made an edition. Last time it occured, however, after I re-started the application, I was not able to open the file I was working on. When I try to open the files I see an error message about protect file and available space in the drive (which are not the case).
How can I recover this file?  I am avoiding to start again from the backup file, as this will mean a lot of rework.

Why is Movie Edit freezing-up? I am working on a brand new "Dell Studio" notebook, and would not believe Ihave a memory problem to run this application.

Thanks for any help to rescue and open the file.


commixv wrote on 5/17/2009, 10:16 AM

this sounds serious, I'd send a message to the support!

xtreme251180 wrote on 8/3/2009, 12:41 AM

I have the same or almost same problem with movie edit 15...
Did you find a solution???


After weeks of work and an awsome result I tried to create the disc menu... The error message: "out of memory" popped up. I couldn't do anything in the program, so I tried to save, shut down the program and restarted my computer. Now I'm not able to load the *.mvp file anymore... No error message, nothing! It's not doing anything... I tried everything I can think of. I also created a new small video, saved it and it reopened normally. I reinstalled MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 15 Plus...

I'm so pi.......ed!

Has anybody an idea???

Thanks, Andre