'Movement' freezes MEP 14+

Trapdoor_19 wrote on 7/13/2009, 1:15 PM

I'm trying to get the 'Movement' feature going but every time I hit a certain point, generally after grabbing a resize handle in the video preview, the program freezes and has to be shut down.

I'm using still JPEG photos run through PhotoShop to 16:9 ratio. The movie is 16:9 ratio. I've tried this with and without any other tracks.

I've removed and re-installed the entire program thinking I might have had a bug of some sort.

Nothing is working and it's getting frustrating!

Thanks in advance for any help offered.


Found the bug or whatever you want to call it. I was using the screen where the tracks are separate behind the video monitor and the media pool. When I returned to the 'Standard layout' everything worked fine.

I find this rather annoying since I use a lot more than the four or five tracks you can use in the standard layout and the pictures in those tracks at the bottom are damn small. Does anyone know of a fix for this? For now I'll just switch back and forth when I need to use movement in pictures.


siglersmalz wrote on 7/30/2009, 12:28 AM
It sounds like you have found a reproducable bug in MEP14.  You should email Magix support directly at support.magix.com and give them all the details.  Your troubleshooting may be what they need to fix this in the next patch release.

Trapdoor_19 wrote on 7/31/2009, 1:14 PM

Thanks for the suggestion - I posted them.