MMM 16 Instrument package 1&2 file too larg

abcik wrote on 5/10/2010, 5:38 AM
Please any help where i can download MMM 16 Instrument package 1 and 2 maybe one after the other. The file size is too large my ISP provider speed is slow, it keeps on disconnecting each time i try downloading the file.

Maybe a link where i can download one after the other.

Revolta 2

Orchestral Brass
Orchestral Strings
Orchestral Woodwinds
Acoustic Drum Kits
Acoustic Guitars
Acoustic Percussion 

and so one?

Please reply...


nihon94 wrote on 6/4/2010, 12:09 PM

You are right for slow internet large file is a problem to download that is why when we buy download version there is a useful option Backup Cd with few extra dollars.

As you are unable to download, why not ask Magix customer support. When you contact them please do not forget to mention date and order number of your Product. Here user like you and me only share our experience and help each other.

Thank you