missing dll files

clockdoctor wrote on 9/10/2008, 1:21 PM
have cleaning lab -2005 e-version and when trying to use it on my new laptop I am missing several?  dll files so it will not run. When trying to load these from another source it wont recognise them.  I didnt put the original prog on cd so now dont have the original files to copy.  Help  what can I do.   C. 


NoTurning wrote on 9/11/2008, 8:30 AM
Are you moving the software from one PC to another? A bit more detail might help.

If you are you can do one of two things:

A.) Copy each missing .dll file one at a time from the original location. You MUST make sure you note where it came from and then place it in the same location. For example - the program errors out "missing blabla.dll"; you search for blabla.dll on the original PC and see it's in the c:\windows\system directory. Copy it to the c:\windows\system directory on the new machine. Then on to the next .dll - this is a slow tedious process.

B.) Use a program like AppMover to do this work for you. It will guide you in moving your applications from one machine to another.

I hope this helps,