MEP15+ Monitor Playback Jerky on inital preview for JVC MOD files

TROYSVIDEO wrote on 9/19/2009, 7:03 AM
Hi Guys,

PC equipped with Vista SP2, 4GB Ram, Core2Duo 2.4ghz, Nividia GEforce 7600GS graphics card.

I am using the trial version of MEP 15+ to create a video comprised of JVC Everio .MOD files in 16:9 PAL format. 

Prior to adding each clip to the timeline, I am previewing it using the Program Monitor in the software. I am doing this by single clicking on the .mod file in my hard disk in the Media Pool window (displayed under Import tab) and then clicking the play arrow in the program montior window.

The problem is that the first time the clip is previewed, the video footage skips & repeats the first 1/2 second. If I play the same clip again straight after, it plays back fine. I have added a bunch of these clips to the timeline with transitions & movie playback in the monitor is smooth & works fine. It's only when I preview each clip. 

Note the clips are not imported into MEP15, as they are simply copied into my video folder straight from the video camera HDD.

Any idea why this playback preview skips?



ralftaro wrote on 9/22/2009, 3:10 AM

Might be something related to the buffering of the material when you play it back for the very first time. It doesn't really sound like there's any problem, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you do experience any problems with this kind of material (which is essentially MPEG-2 material) after the import and during the editing process, here's a little suggestion, though: Right-click on the video track of each video object in timeline mode and use the "Create frame table (new)" option.

TROYSVIDEO wrote on 9/23/2009, 5:57 AM
After experimenting with the main settings, I have finally solved this annoying little problem. Open the program settings, select System tab. Under Media Pool heading change the double click behaviour to (o) Files will be loaded into the video monitor. Now you double click the video to preview & click play. No more jerky starts!
