MEP PRO 14 PLUS audio NOT in sync - Works fine in Win WMA or MPG.

n00b wrote on 7/26/2009, 7:00 PM
I have MEP Pro 14 Plus Version, running under WinXP on an Intel 2.8 GigHz 4.0 Gig RAM PC.

1.) The audio continues to be out of sync (even within the first five or so seconds of video) with either the mpg or wma files. I have tried all sorts of different approaches without success. How do I fix this problem? Why is this an ongoing problem from MEP version 10 until MEP version 15?

2.) In MEP Pro 14 Plus I have a Logitech 9000 Webcam that will not record video but will record photographs. I have even tried changing the number of frames shot to an interva of 5 seconds and the result continues to be a single frame shot. Is there a way MEP Pro 14 Plus will recognize USB devices?

If MEP Pro 14 Plus is not able to fix these problems and I still see on this forum that these problems continue, why should I pay more to upgrade to MEP Pro 15 Plus?


siglersmalz wrote on 7/27/2009, 1:44 AM
Hi -

This won't solve your problems, but just so you know, the latest MEP14+ patch is or (depending on if you have the e-version or not).  You should go to to get the one you need and install it.

For issue 1:  Put your program into the timeline mode after importing your video, or after opening a previously imported video.  Timeline mode is the mode where you see the individual tracks of your project.  Track 1 is video, track 2 is audio.

Right-click the video track (track 1) and you will see, "Create Frame Table (new)".  Selecting this option will rebuilt the mapping between video and audio and get everything in sync.

I have no idea why this is necessary, but I do it everything I open a video file or import a video file into MEP.

Issue 2) - Recording with MEP has never been my first choice.  Hopefully, your webcam came with some bundled software, one of which is video recording software.  If so, you're in luck. Just record using that software and then pull the resultant video into MEP to work your magic.

When you record, select a video type that MEP supports, MPEG is my preferred video format.

Hope that helps.
ralftaro wrote on 7/29/2009, 8:47 AM
Just for the record, sync problem isn't always sync problem. One sync problem you might read about here may not have anything to do with another sync problem you have read about or with the one you're experiencing on your own system. Some sync problems are caused by problems during the video capturing process (analog or DV), which in turn are often related to performance or driver problems. From your description, I'm not even sure whether this is an import or export problem, but I guess you're talking about import. So, if you already have encoded via files on your system that you're importing and they appear to be out of sync, the problem would be with how the program decodes and handles them (or with the files actually not being suitable video source material). Keep in mind that a lot of materials that we're using as source materials for video editing today were never supposed to be source/authoring formats. They were meant to be output formats, exclusively for replay.

For MPEG-1/2 material, try what Tim suggested and recreate the frame table manually. That will possibly take care of the issue. However, this doesn't have any relevance in the context of any other file formats/video codecs. So, your WMA (WMV?) files would be another story. Maybe, the have some odd frame rate that conflicts with your output settings (e.g. trying to force the encoding of a standard video DVD with 25 or 29.97 frames/s from a WMV source file with 15 or 30 frames/s). However, I wouldn't really expect any sync problems right in the preview. Maybe you can upload a sample file of the problematic material question, so we can have a look at it.

Can't really say anything about the other issue, I'm afraid. Probably the device/driver just isn't compatible with MEP. I can just second Tim's suggestion to use the software that came with the device.