cemsevimli wrote on 4/8/2009, 2:03 PM
First,i have been using mep 14 for qiute sometime now.It was all great,easy to use.Now i upgraded to 15+ then the problems came with it.First of all...The program lags like HELL!On a system like Q9450 CPU-4gb Ram-4850 Ghrap on windows XP sp3.I mean it REALY REALY LAGS and i can understand it..It just came out so problems will accure..Little problems must...but I cannot export Mpeg2 files now and i have a homework i have to get it done in two days.After i press the export button the dam video monitor refreshes but nothing more then that.The help thingy on the top of the screens says i have to active the mpeg2 thingy but there is no activation like i did on MEP14.I guess i'll switch to EDIUS after 15+ because this is realy bugging me off!
Ohh sorry it dont even export anything and just likes to crash most of the time randomly.


NoTurning wrote on 4/8/2009, 8:39 PM

Bummer you're having such problems! You should just stick with MEP 14... was there any reason to upgrade?

I'm sticking with Music Maker 12 for similar reasons - I don't need to upgrade. It does what I need and works.


ralftaro wrote on 4/9/2009, 3:42 AM

Sounds like a pretty complex conflict or something. Obviously not a general problem. I'm also up to version 15 now and it works fine for me. You might want to try this: Disable the newsfeed function in the program. In order to do this, open the program settings ("Y" key), switch to the "System" tab and tick the "Hide news" checkbox. This can get you around certain stability problems. Not sure what is causing the MPEG-2 export problem, if you've already activated the program/codecs online or if you still have the activation on your system from the previous version. This is now just one single activation procedure in version 15, so there wouldn't be a separate MPEG-2 activation. If you're still having problems, this kind of issue would probably be better left with Magix technical support.