Menus from Movie Edit Pro 15 won't burn to DVD

DFox wrote on 8/2/2009, 7:24 PM
I tried to burn a DVD with a menu and only the videos burned to the DVD.  I thought that maybe it was because of the type of DVDs that I was using or maybe my computer, but I tried another program and the menu burned to the DVD just fine. 

Am I missing something that I should place a check next to so that the menu burns to the DVD or are there a number of things that I have to do to make sure that the menu burns to the DVD?


ralftaro wrote on 8/4/2009, 9:17 AM
Well, there's a drop-down list titled "Mode" in the DVD-authoring part of the program underneath the "Menu Options" heading. Make sure that you haven't disabled menus here. However, if you switch this to "No menu", you should actually notice that the preview screen stays black. So, maybe the problem is somewhere else. This is definitely the first point to start, though.