memory alocation

tommyrockstudio wrote on 3/6/2009, 8:14 AM
After i have completed a composition, i attempt to do the mixdown.
It starts and a few seconds later it stops and an error window pops up,
saying memory alocation problem and then it freezes and stops the mixdown.
My CPU,s are below 80% and i have an external hard drive, also have 2 new,
memory sticks installed in my computer, ehy doew it still do this?


NoTurning wrote on 3/6/2009, 8:58 AM

This can be caused by a couple of things - low memory or miss matched memory (usually from an upgrade).

Your external hard drive is storage and not memory. The new memory sticks are suspect... who installed them? You must not only match the memory very carefully to your motherboard but also with other memory you may already have and each other. If you have miss-matched memory (ram cocktail) then you get allocation errors. Just because it fits doesn't mean it's right.

I think this is probably your problem,