Making the photo fit the screen?

SusiQ wrote on 1/3/2012, 11:13 AM

I made a great slideshow - selected 16:9 format and added Christmas music but when I viewed in on my TV many of the photos had the tops cut off which makes me think that I need to fiddle with the photo size - would that be aspect ratio??? How would I do that?  When  I played the DVD on my PC it also had the same tops cut off although the photo itself which resides on my PC, I can open up and see in its entirety.  Help please!


dizpark wrote on 1/11/2012, 5:00 AM

Parts of your photos are cut off to accommodate for you chosen aspect ratio 16:9 and for various zooms etc.  As most of your pictures are in 4:3 or even vertical, some cutting away (cropping) is inevitable. Photostory's slideshow wizzard does not attempt to make an intelligent analysis of your picture, parts are cropped away randomly.  Sometimes it results in cut off heads. You need to edit the problem slides individually before burning the DVD .  Select the offending slide on the time line, then click effect tab - and then try to find the subitem "positioning" ( i cant remember from top of my head which category it resides in). Once you select that you will be able to move or resize the crop area for the selected slide to you liking.