Magix Photostory on DVD 2013 Delux won't open

Nell-24 wrote on 10/30/2014, 1:16 AM

I have been using Magix Photostory on DVD 2013 Delux for some time now.  I used the programme today and then closed it but now it will not open.  All I get is a Welcome note asking me to Activate with Serial Number.  My Serial No. and email address is already entered in, so I click the "Activate and register immediately on line" button. I then get a message saying "Thankyou.  Activation was successful."  I press OK but the programme does not open.  When I manually open the programme, once again I get the Welcome message asking me to Activate with Serial Number.  I am using Windows XP.  I cannot give the version number of the software because the program will not open.


andreilazar412 wrote on 11/4/2014, 7:50 AM

Try reinstalling. Have you modified settings? If you did try and modify them through the program folder. The program should work after. If it STILL doesn't work try to contact MAGIX support and they would help you

Nell-24 wrote on 11/7/2014, 7:04 PM

Thanks for reply.  Sorry for delay in being able to get back to this.  I did reinstall.  I can now get the program to open.  Still does not like the project I was working on, keeps crashing when I go in to the Burn screen.  I decided to split the Project into two files in case it was too large.  Part 2 which is the larger of the two files opens perfectly, but Part 1 does not.  I am thinking there is something in there that it does not like so will redo Part 1 from scratch and see how it goes.

Nell-24 wrote on 11/14/2014, 3:23 PM

Problem finally solved.  It was two corrupt pictures which I finally located after trial and error.  Happy girl!