Magix Extreme Photostory looses music

paultp wrote on 9/25/2011, 5:50 PM

When opening a saved project, a number of the slide shows cannot find the music file associated with it. A dialog box opens saying it cannot find the file in the path which it shows. You click the option folder and it opens that folder and the music file is there You click on the file and it loads but then says the file already exists, overwrite?.

Why does it seemingly loose files but know where they are and not see them?


john-auvil wrote on 9/26/2011, 8:47 AM

First, you need to know how the project works.

When you create a project, the location of the photos, video, and audio are stored in a list in a manor to note where in the timeline that media starts and ends. In addition to that, any changes, edits, or effects are added to the list. Now... the tricky part.

If the files you uses are not in the same location that they were in originally when the project was made, the list that was made at that time is inaccurate, therefore those pieces of media cannot be found (in the location that was store in the project list).

To put it another way, if I create a project with 50 photos, add in transitions, text, effects and audio then save the project then that will save where the 50 photos were found on the computer as well as where the audio files were found. If the audio I used was from a disc or maybe a thumb drive, and that disc or thumb drive is not still connected and using the same drive letter, then the project file will not know and it will not correctly open the next time I try to use it.

This also might be a problem if you use iTunes. I have noted in the past that iTunes regularly alters its library paths, therefore it could cause a project that used to work in Magix to no longer work.

I hope this explanation helped.

chrisjw37 wrote on 12/3/2011, 2:17 AM

complicated file structure or they are in a compressed file - don't work with i-tunes rubbish.


Copy files to a directory in my docs for the duration and find them there. remove after finishing to tidy up.

