Issues importing home videos on a DVD

MIke wrote on 9/6/2009, 3:26 AM
I have Movie Edit Pro 15.

I am using a Magnavox VHS-DVD copy machine I recently purchased to convert a bunch of VHS-C tapes to DVD using this machine.  Most of the VHS-C tapes are only about 20 minutes full, so 2 or 3 VHS-C tapes them fit onto 1 DVD, each listed as a separate movie in the root menu of the DVD. The Magnavox machine automatically creates a root menu for each recorded movie. 

These DVDs play back just fine using every DVD player I've tried them on.  They also play back just fine using Windows Media Player, as well as other Windows DVD players.  When the DVD is started during playback, the root menu comes up and I can select which movie I want to view.  All this works fine, the DVDs appear just fine themselves. 

Now, here is my first problem:  When I use MEP15 to import movies from these recorded DVD discs, the first problem encountered is that when I select the VTS_01_1.VOB file, it asks if I want to "Copy entire disc" or "Copy movie" ... HOWEVER, it doesn't allow me to select "WHICH" movie on the DVD I want to copy.  Sometimes I only want the 2nd or 3rd or 4th movie loaded into MEP15 for editing, etc.   Yet when I click on "Copy movie", it copies the entire disc to my hard drive, and it doesn't even bring up a menu asking which movie on the DVD I want to load.   Using Roxio Video Wave instead of MEP15 brings up a menu listing all the movies on the disc when I use that software to import movies from a DVD, but MEP15 seems oblivious to the fact that there may be multiple movies on the DVD. How do I load other than the first movie on a DVD?

And now here is my second problem:  When I select the "Copy entire disc", MEP15 imports the whole DVD and copies it to the hard drive, as expected, and it loads into MEP15 without error .. but this is where things get #$%@ed up.  The first movie that was on the DVD plays back just fine in MEP15, but as it plays each subsequent movie after the first, it begins to suffer from unsyncronized video/audio.  The audio lags "behind" the video, and it gets worse as each subsequent movie (that was imported via "Copy entire disc") begins to play.

So, what's the deal here?   One would think that by the time a software application gets to version 15 most of the bugs should have been worked out, right?   So, what am "I" doing wrong?   Or, is it you folks and your software?  Everything works fine using Roxio Video Wave, but that programs isn't much of a video editing program, it has few features.  I'd rather use MEP15, if it worked as advertised .. and if it didn't HANG 3 or 4 times a day.

This is frustrating, because I spent a whole day importing and writing about 6 DVD discs filled with MPG files created using MEP15 only to discover none of them were any good because the sound is totally out of sync towards the end of the video.

If I'm doing something wrong, shame on me, but if this is your fault, I think you folks owe me a box of DVDs and 8 hours of my life.

???  What's the deal here?  Why can't I import only the 2nd or 3rd movie from the DVD.  And, when I try to import the entire disc instead, why is the sound out of sync on every movie after the first movie imported from the DVD?

BTW, this is not an issue with the Magnavox created discs, I tried to do the same using a multi-movie DVD I recorded with my Panasonic DVD camcorder and had the same sync problem.  And, FYI, the DVD discs have been "finalized" in each machine before attempting to import into MEP15.

Any assistance would be appreciated, as the credibility of this software is seriously at stake here.  Oh, and I downloaded the latest updates, and everything is still #$%@ up in MEP. This software does not work as advertised and I am seriously considering returning it and warning others so they can avoid this problem.  You would think a DVD movie editing program should be capable of at least properly loading a DVD movie for editing.  What's the deal here?

Help.  ???


p.s. OS=Vista, on DUO proc .. and, MEP15 hangs the entire computer from time to time too, to the point where CTRL-ALT-DEL does not work, and so I have to pull the power cord to reboot.  MEP15 seems to act more like a computer virus sometimes than a movie editing program.  ???

Added:  Also, creating a new keyframe table and reloading the first VOB is of no help either, the results are the same.


asoeli wrote on 9/6/2009, 4:42 AM
I do not know MEP 15, only 14+ and previous.
What I do: Copy the .VOB-files from the VIDEO_TS directories to my haddisk, and give each file a new name (with ending VOB or MPG). When they all are transferred, I can start MEP, find the files in Media Pool and drag the wanted files down to the Timeline for editing. For each file, choose "Create new frametable". This may fix the syncronisation of video/audio.  It should work in MEP 15 as well!
I'm very satisfied with MEP !

  Sunday Evening:
On an ordinary DVD the VOB's are divided into parts of ca 1 GB, and they are linked together, so they play without stopping. They are not divided where you f. i. have your menu points.
VOB's are a sort of MPG-files. They are originally made for Showing and not for Editing. Because of the complexity of compressing, the program (MEP) produces a new frametable before they can be edited (to restore and have each frame of the film in correct order).
If they are small, you can drag several VOB's or MPG's down and place them after each other on the same timeline.
In my oldest MEP I had to change the file ending from .VOB to .MPG before editing them, but that was all I had to do.
If you come as far as this, it is pretty easy to delete the part of the film you do not want.
Now I advice you to go to Save movie as, and give your film a new name. It is now a Project. Next time you can open it under File > Load movie. The project file name ending here is .MVD, but in MEP 15 the name probably is .MVP.
Remember that like in f.i. Word, you can have several documents up at the same time, and you change between them with Ctrl/F6. It' the same in MEP. You can copy and paste from one to another "page" with Ctrl/C and Ctrl/V.
I suppose you know well how to change filenames.
You say you get what you pay for. I say I feel I got far more than what I paid for!
I use an old PC new in 2003. It is of course not possible to edit any AVCHD-files. The first two years I used Pinnacle, but often my PC hanged up to several times a day. After installing MEP, 'hanging' has till now not occurred.
To avoid hanging I advice to stop all background programs not needed, like virusscanning, Internet etc. There could be some internal conflict in your system.
Good luck !

MIke wrote on 9/6/2009, 4:58 AM
Hey asoeli, thanks for the reply. 

I will see if using the "media pool" to drag and drop makes any difference.  Right now, all I was doing was trying to import the entire contents of a recorded DVD.

I'm not sure what renaming the files will do, because you can't reference other than the first VOB when loading any movie (some movies are split across multiple VOB files, i.e. the first VOB may contain the first movie and the first half of the second movie, and the second VOB will contain the remaining half of the second movie and part of the 3rd movie). 

I've already tried to create a new frame table and that had no affect what-so-ever. 

I don't suppose you know how I can only load other than the first movie on the DVD, like how it works in Roxio?   When I click on load movie instead of entire disc, it does not bring up a menu asking me WHICH movie on the DVD I would like to import, which is a pretty stupid oversight.  How can a movie editing application get to version 15 without fixing problems with loading movies is beyond my comprehension. 

Very frustrated!  I suppose though you get what you pay for .. I think I may have to fork out some $$$ and get that Adobe package instead. 

I think I might be satisfied with this program if I can simply get it to accurately load ANYTHING other than the first movie from a DVD properly, and if it would stop hanging my machine from time to time.
MIke wrote on 9/6/2009, 6:59 AM
Yeah, there is without a doubt a major problem with MEP15, in so far as loading DVD videos for editing.  I tried every thing I could think of and every suggestion I came across here and elsewhere to resolve this problem using just MEP15, but NO LUCK!  Movie Edit Pro 15 has some serious problems loading/processing VOB files when there is more than one movie recorded onto the DVD.

I found a program called VOB2MPG (the free version) to process the VOB files into individual MPG files for selected movies on the DVD and it worked flawlessly.  No video/audio sync problems in it's output.  This program converts without re-encoding the files too, so there is no loss of quality.  I will use this program to load and convert to MPG files before loading into MEP.  I will be purchasing the pro version of VOB2MPG after a bit more testing and playing around to verify all is okay. 

How on Earth can a video editing program, already into version 15, have such a problem simply loading video files from a DVD?   Unbelievable.  I wasted a lot of time on this.  I guess they just don't make programmers like they use to these days, ha. 

Now, if I can only get MEP15 to stop hanging and locking up my system every couple hours (and it doesn't seem to matter what you're doing when it hangs, it can hang while doing just about anything .. sometimes it hangs immediately after simply starting it and loading a project I was working on .. and restarting and reloading doesn't hang it, so it is some kind of intermittent problem).