Is Movie Edit Pro 14 PLUS compatibile with Windows 7?

ducttapesaves611 wrote on 11/27/2009, 8:49 PM
Is Movie Edit Pro 14 PLUS compatibile with Windows 7 and will I be able to reinstall it without a charge if I upgrade to 7?  I'm considering upgrading to 7 but purchased and installed Movie Edit Pro last summer and I want to make sure I will still be able to use it.  I don't have any installation cd because I purchased it via download.


BroBryce2009 wrote on 11/28/2009, 12:03 AM
Some of our users on the site have reported that MEP14+ runs fine on Windows 7.  If you're switching to Win7 Professional, there's also an XP mode which allows you to run all your XP applications within their native environment, so there wouldn't be any doubt as to whether it would work there.

Hope this helps, sorry I don't have any experience with it.

BroBryce2009 wrote on 12/3/2009, 5:51 AM
You should have your original downloaded installation files, right?  If not, you should be able to contact Magix to have them send you a link to download the 14+ installation package again.  Do this BEFORE you upgrade, and make sure you save it on a CD or a flash drive or something.

lawrie wrote on 10/3/2010, 9:14 AM

MP 14 will usually work fine with Windows 7. However, some people have a problem with burning DVDs.

It seems to depend on which make of PC/Burner is in use. I can burn fine on a laptop (Dell Inspiron), but have ben unable to burn using a Packard Bll imedia.


Still not sure if it is a question of a missing driver or an incompatability issue with some DVD burners.