Is Movie Edit Pro 12 re-downloadable?

NintendoWiiBoy wrote on 10/19/2010, 5:25 PM

I am just wondering.. A couple of years ago, I bought and registered Movie Edit Pro 12. Now I can not find the disk that came with it. Is there anyway I can get a copy of the software through downloading it? I already registered so they KNOW I bought it... but I need to get another copy of it and I don't feel like purchasing anything.


Lazerboy wrote on 10/20/2010, 5:24 AM



if you bought the version as DVD, there is no re-download available as the version 12 as download had different features. Also Magix will not keep links of 5 years old products. The product will not work with Vista or Win7, I could also imagine problems with XP SP2. You would not have MPEG4, Dolby and no support for the most camcorders (that are younger than 5 years).

I definitly recommend to use a more fresh version...even if you would find the DVD.


