Is it possible to take a still picture of a specific frame in the video? If so, how is this done?

Mr0llivand3r wrote on 2/5/2009, 8:01 PM
I would like to know how to take a still picture from a frame in the video track. Mindows Movie Maker has this feature and it's how I'm manually adding visual effects (I.E. frame by frame). The only problem is that Windows Movie Maker is a much cruder program, and doesn't take the still picture as I would like to know if MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 14 Plus has this feature and if so, how is this done?


ralftaro wrote on 2/6/2009, 9:53 AM
Hi there,

This can be done as follows: Place your play cursor/start marker on the frame you want to extract, so that the image shows up in the preview monitor. Go to the "File" menu => "Export movie" sub menu and you will find the "Single frame as JPEG/BMP" options. This will open an export dialogue where you can specify file name and location for your still picture.

I hope this helps!