Is it possible to add a blank scene to use as a Title screen?

Confused wrote on 8/11/2009, 2:22 PM
I hope when I get the purchased program it has a manual because in order to get something done I have to search through all the menu's which are really confusing.  Something as simple as deleting a scene requires going to edit menu, choosing "Cut" then on another menu choosing Remove scene. Whatever happened to right click and delete?

In any case what I need to know now is how to add a blank scene in order to have a separate Title and not a Title on one of the clips.


asoeli wrote on 8/11/2009, 3:42 PM
Don't be afraid, I got 2 printed manuals each of more than 120 pages, and a PDF-manual of nearly 400 pages. (MEP 14+). You will find lots of tools and shortcuts when you have experimented a little.
When you make a title, you can choose white or black background, if it is placed alone on timeline. When placed under a video clip, the background is transparent. If you want another colour as background, place a coloured picture on the track over the title.
ralftaro wrote on 8/12/2009, 8:00 AM

Presumably, you have a gap with some empty space before your actual video clip starts in the project. It is true that the title editor button will always open the editor for an existing object. But you could also just switch to the "Title" tab of the mediapool, go to the desired sub section and drag & drop the desired title object style down into the arranger to the position where you want it, e.g. to match up with the gap in front of your movie, instead of onto an actual object. You need to be in timeline mode for all of this. You can also just create a title object somewhere else and just move it to the desired position in the timeline after creation. Empty slides with the desired background color, as suggested in the other reply, would also work.

There are plenty of hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts for pretty much anything in the program, plus some solid customization options ("Plus" version).

I hope this helps!

asoeli wrote on 8/13/2009, 4:37 PM
I use MEP 11+ and 14+, but I guess it is the same in MEP 15, if that is your Editor.
If you have a normal video with audio, the title will come on track no. 3. It will come at the position where the red cursor (start point) is at Timeline. As you want the Title Before the first clip, you need to make "a blank scene" at the beginning. Be shure to be in "Intelligent mouse mode" (by clicking arrow with a big oval, or Alt+2). Thus you move the whole film without making any unwanted crossfade transitions.
Now point on the first clip with the mouse, press the left mouse button and trag the whole film to the right, to make space for the blank scene.  Place the red cursor here, and make your title. The finished title may be pushed back and forth with the mouse, and stretched in length, (that means time duration) when the mouse cursor has changed to a double arrow. When doing this, I advice you to zoom out the timeline to 10 sec. or less between the vertical lines.

Hope this is helps !