Instability issues - what to do?

yuza-i wrote on 11/29/2021, 8:19 PM

I've just posted a new thread about all the bugs that really make it impossible to make anything currently and with questions regarding the programs layout preferences.

It literally took me a couple of hours after testing the program to get them all noted down and it simply got removed?

Besides this being quite disturbing, what's the best place to inform about the bugs and questions regarding Acid Pro 10?


yuza-i wrote on 11/29/2021, 9:11 PM

maybe someone can help here on some of these issues? i managed to compile a big portion of them:

- when having a plug in chain in use and you add a new plug in, all the plugins get defaulted.
- when opening more of the same vsts only the first vst will play its sound even if clicking another.
- vst are getting stuck in a way i havent seen like when the vsts had a panic button 15 years ago.
- when the vst sound gets stuck there is no way to stop it then restarting the entire program itself.
- the program crashes a lot. unreasonable amount of times to the point you cant work on anything.
- vsts will default the preset or synth you just made if you open a new vst or add an effect.
- when adding trackeq to a chain with 3rd party software it'll almost always crash
- original acid fx's slides arent working correct, to the point that they're unusable.
- trackeq's slides aren't correct, 20hz-5000hz is on the first 25% of the slide making it useless.
- certain combinations of plugins or vsts guarantee a crash
- opening saved projects will crash 1-3 times before actually open normally
- saved projects with freezed audio do not reload the vsts - it errors and only remains with audio
- pluginmanager's naming and map ordering defaults with every new scan of plugins
- pluginmanager's changes in name does not change in insert fx submenu
- pluginmanager's changes in name does not change in soft synth menu
- 32 bit plugins glitch and turn into static image with buttons not working
- is there a way to save the preferred layout without it reverting to default when reopening project?
- is there a way to rename the standard categories of the folders in plugin manager?
- is there a way to customize buttons and layout like toolbar, but for the rest?
- is there a way to fully disable the mod pad besides on the general settings (fully remove it?)?
- is there a way to save the preference of the layout on the mixing control?
- is there a way to save a template for beginning projects?
- is there a way to remove trackeq as a standard on every audio track?
- is there a way to save a standard plugin or chain that opens on every audio track?
- is there a way to revert to a previous version (i dont see downloads of previous versions)?
- is there a way to stop the nag screen when there is a new update?
- is there a way to prevent the reinstalling of removed standard vsts/plugins with each update?
- is there a way to opt out of the bloatware and occasional nagscreen with a "deal"?
- is there a way to automate the bpm?

SP. wrote on 11/29/2021, 10:39 PM


It literally took me a couple of hours after testing the program to get them all noted down and it simply got removed?

It's likely your login session ran out.

Besides this being quite disturbing, what's the best place to inform about the bugs and questions regarding Acid Pro 10?

Technical support But don't expect fast bug fixes. I won't be surprised if some problems will only be fixed in a new version 11.

I think that you can get around most problems you noted by using a meta plugin like Plogue Bidule or NewSonicArts Freestyle.

yuza-i wrote on 11/30/2021, 7:37 AM


It literally took me a couple of hours after testing the program to get them all noted down and it simply got removed?

It's likely your login session ran out.

Besides this being quite disturbing, what's the best place to inform about the bugs and questions regarding Acid Pro 10?

Technical support But don't expect fast bug fixes. I won't be surprised if some problems will only be fixed in a new version 11.

I think that you can get around most problems you noted by using a meta plugin like Plogue Bidule or NewSonicArts Freestyle.

that might be the case since i was on it a long time.

i've just sent them an email, hopefully they can provide some solutions to make it decent enough to work with it.

so how would that work with bidule, you set up a effect chain or load up a vst in that program instead of in acid pro? it kinda looks like what fl or ableton has.

if so this might be a good temporary solution, but isn't it a bit ridiculous to shell out another 100 bucks for something that you would expect a program to have - stability?

SP. wrote on 11/30/2021, 8:27 AM

@yuza-i Yes, it is ridiculous and I hope that Magix will solve the problems in the future. But I don't have the time to wait and annoy myself with troubles if I can solve it with another software. It's worth the price because it saves me time.