Inserting uploaded pictures to my website

jad1957 wrote on 12/18/2008, 5:47 PM
Hi, - I've managed to u/l a bunch of pictures, but when I try to access them while in the edit mode, the system locks up and I get the following Windows Error message.
Can anyone please help? Thanks for your time. :-)


"Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library"......... Then, I.E. chokes and both applications shut down. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks again.


ralftaro wrote on 12/19/2008, 3:54 AM
Hi Joe,

Does this happen specifically when you try to bring the uploaded pictures from the "Objects" panel into the actual website layout? I very much recommend making sure you have an up-to-date, functional version of the Adobe Flash player plug-in installed. Also, while Website Maker is designed to work with most common browsers, it might work better for you if you try in a different browser from the one you're currently using. E.g. if you're using MS Internet Explorer right now, try Firefox for a change (or vice versa). Just make sure you also install the Flash player plug-in again for your new browser.
In some cases, you might also have to tweak the settings of your Flash player plug-in a little, which you can do on the following website:

Flash Player - Settings Manager

Please see the instructions on the website for more information. When reviewing the current plug-in settings, make sure that the Flash privacy/security settings don't conflict with the Website Maker usage. Also, switch to the website storage settings panel and try increasing the storage space that is available to Flash-based websites. For simplicity's sake, you might want to set this to "unlimited".

Beyond this you should check whether there are any general functionality problems on your system, especially with regard to using Flash websites. Make sure your system meets the requirements of Website Maker, is fully functional and you have enough free resources while working with Website Maker.

I hope this helps.