Inserting movie with extention .MOV in Photostory 10 Deluxe

danphilip54 wrote on 10/29/2012, 2:09 PM

hello ,

I have drag a movie with extention .MOV to the story list . Software is asking me an additional fee for the purchase of AVCHD . Before doing so i want to be sure that this is working . Despite my search in the knwoledge base i have not found any answer to this . Quite sure that this has been done many times . Thanks in advance for your confirmation / suggestions .

Software used / Photostory CD/ DVd deluxe



gandjcarr wrote on 10/29/2012, 2:37 PM


MOV files are Apple Quicktime file.  Before you do anything, make sure you have the current version of Quicktime on your computer, try it again and if that does not work, come back and tell us.  Go here

Download the latest version of Quicktime for windows and if that does not work, come back and let us know.


danphilip54 wrote on 10/30/2012, 12:38 PM

Thanks George ,


Will try your proposal .Daniel


danphilip54 wrote on 10/30/2012, 12:49 PM

George ,


Update was done to Quicktime 7.7.2 . I am aware that those are Apple compatible files . Question is still open : when i drag a  . MOV near a picture in Photstory CD/DVD a window is getting open with the request to purchase AVCHD .

If i do so will the  .mov file be inserted in my photo presentation ?

gandjcarr wrote on 10/30/2012, 1:48 PM


This post should answer your question.  The answer is yes, for AVCHD you do need to buy the codec, but read it through.

Good Luck,


danphilip54 wrote on 10/30/2012, 2:31 PM

Hello George ,


Followed your advice . Purchased AVCHD , got the activation link , made a short test file with 2 pictures and 1 .MOV in between . Burning a DVD and running on my Tv . All in 10 minutes and .... working pretty well .

Thanks / greatings   Daniel


danphilip54 wrote on 11/10/2012, 6:39 AM

Afterwards i was facing an issue with the rotating of  .MOV pictures . QuickTime pro investment was not worth to do . Using Moviemaker Microsoft was the outcome . And converting to Mpeg x . My mixed DVd with picture & movies is finished . Thanks for your support George