Want to tranfer VHS to digital form.
Will primarily use this to burn DVD, but will also want to have the option to use other formats in the future.
So i want some "quality margin" when transfer analog to digital.
In many posts in this forum that concern this subject, it is adviced to use MXV as the capture format. Beacause it is not a lossy format.
Do you agree?
But there seems not to be any option of that in the program. Is MPEG2 the only availble option to record the analog signal in this version?
MAGIX Video easy Video Saver
Version (UDP3)
When you want to transfer analog to digital you finaly end up in a menu where you both can choose the quality and start the recording.
If you choose "User defined"in the "Recording quality" box. There are 12 parameters for the video quality.
The obvious parameter is "coding-quality". Is it independent of the other 11 parameters, or must they also be changed?
The preselected level is "Faster", is this the "DVD" level, and if it is changed to "Quick", will the quality then slightly be higher then the "DVD" level?
I have no prior knowledge or experience in videos. Will "DVD" level, or "coding-quality" raised to "Quick", be enough, if i later want to transfer video to MPEG-4?
There is also an option for "Automatic Scene Recognation", will this be a problem, or is this function integrated in standard MPEG2/MPEG4 format?