Importing 6 gb file But Only Recognizes 22-60 Seconds Black

jajedare wrote on 10/26/2009, 9:35 PM
I started using my program yesterday with very pleasing results.  I didn't realize that once a portion of the project is deleted it is no longer able to re-import it--or can it?

For example, the AVI file I keep trying to re-import to cut out the parts I've already used and edit back in the parts I accidentally deleted, well, it will only re-import the files I already have and reads this huge file as just the 20 minutes I've already edited and saved.  In the actual folder the file still exists as an hour long AVI.

Hence the reason I attempted to just re-record the missing 30 minutes as a new file.  Twice it has imported just fine and will play perfectly in Windows Media Player.  When I try to put it on the storyboard/timeline for a split second it says it is a 30 minute movie, but then quickly becomes a 22-60 second black clip.  This is the exact film I imported yesterday with no problems. 

Any advice?  I haven't messed with any settings since my very first import.

I have a brand new HP with tons of RAM, Hard Drive, etc. and OS Vista.  Other clips and sample movies play just fine.

Thank you.


asoeli wrote on 10/27/2009, 2:41 AM
I don't know what has happened to your project, but you say "In the actual folder the file still exists as an hour long AVI."  In fact, this file is never changed in any way by Magix. The program just uses References from the Original file. All you do with it when editing, as deleting, colour corr., zooming etc does not influence on the Original file. These changings are saved in other files (Project files, .MVD in MEP 14)

Try to find the AVI-file in the Mediapool, and drag it down to the Timeline with the mouse. Now I think you have the complete video back. If you work with Takes, you will always have a survey of your total film. Work in Timeline only !
Good luck !!

Tuesday evening:
We will not give up !
I don't know MEP 15, but there should be few differences in this respect.
Does this AVI-file come from a tape-based DV-camera?
Let us suppose that MEP get confused of these old working files. Before starting MEP, rename your old AVI-file to a different name. This way all old files are "discarded". Then start MEP. Perhaps it is a good idea to "Reset program settings to defaults". I find it under Help, maybe you can press F9. (In case you, without knowing it, have changed some settings). Now drag the AVI-file down as mentioned before.
When I do this, I get a normal videotrack and an "empty" audiotrack with the text "Right-click to display wave form". When this is done, the graphic display of the sound-track is made.
Now I can right-click the videotrack, and choose "Scene detection" and the Takes are produced (in a smaller window). Be shure that "Cut at all markers" and "Save all scenes as takes" are marked. This will take some time. Finally you can save your Project with a new name. (When you transferred your video via Firewire the first time, all this could be made automatically if you had marked the "right" things). Takes can be shown in Mediapool.
I hope this is a way to solution, and I'm still opimistic. Let us see the result.
Good luck again !

jajedare wrote on 10/27/2009, 12:05 PM
Thank you Asoeli for your help.  I know that the original avi is in tact, as you mentioned.  I double checked that.  I am also only working in the Timeline area.  I have also gone so far as moving the avi out of MEP into other generic folders and then importing them with the same results.  They will still only load as either the edited version, or the black screen, few second version, depending on the file.

I also looked in my TAKES folder in the Media pool and it is empty.  I did not even use this or realize it was there when I started using the program.  Today I did as you suggested and dragged the avi from the media pool and it's still only loading as the edited version, not the entire imported file.  It is also called an .avi file, not the .mvp file like my project, but both imports appear to be the same.  Yet outside of of MEP they are clearly not the same.  I also apologize if my technical language is not completely acurate.  I'm still learning about these things.  But thank you for your suggestions.