
cpc000cpc wrote on 3/31/2013, 5:28 PM


This is a user forum, not the Magix support or sales desk. See: This is the US site, you should change to your country. I suspect they would justifiably ask if you had tried the free demo version of PhotoStory to see if it met your needs before purchasing. Most of the questions posted here for PhotoStory are about tweaking the system to do special things -- the basics seem as simple as choosing a theme and clicking go.



gandjcarr wrote on 4/4/2013, 11:41 AM


Have you tried reading the manual that came with the software that you purchased, have you tried looking on YouTube to find tutorials? Have you spent any time at all trying to learn how to create and edit a slide show?  Or were you hoping that doing this would just be so simple that you don't even have to think about what you are trying to do?

If you don't want to ask anyone here for help and you just want a refund, call Magix sales in your cuntry o purchase.

If you really are as smart as you say you are, then try asking a question about how to use the program instead of complaining about why it does not do what you wanted or expected.  Photostory is one of the easiest slide show creation programs to use, and if you don't get it, you need to think about why that is.
