I need help importing and exporting my video files

kingdominshock wrote on 2/13/2008, 2:41 PM
My imported video files didnt play properly there was audio but no video display at all. My video setting is in ntsc 4:3 (720x 480) in 29.97 fps and my software is movie edit pro 12 running in window vista. I even tried to export my video file into a magix video but didnt work too. Any help would be greatly aprreciate. Thanks


ralftaro wrote on 2/13/2008, 2:57 PM
What is that video source material you're importing (file type/codec)? Are you sure the video part on that doesn't get imported properly or is there just a general problem displaying any kind of information in the preview window of Movie Edit Pro on your system? You could check whether other types of video (e.g. demo project or simple JPG still pics) get displayed properly in the preview monitor. If not, you should update your graphics driver and experiment with different video modes in the "Display options" which you can find within the program settings. If there's no general preview window problem and the video is really just missing on these particular files, you should make sure that potentially missing video codecs are installed on the system. You can check the codecs used in your source material by means of the free codec analyzers GSpot or Sherlock. If you don't seem to get on, you might want to check with Magix tech support.