I have taken a 1 hour video segment and reduced it to seven minutes. How do I remove the deleted space at the beginning and the end? I only want to burn the seven minute segment. I need very specific instructions because I have tried everything and don

synergyforlife wrote on 12/20/2009, 11:47 AM

"I have taken a 1 hour video segment and reduced it to seven minutes. How do I remove the deleted space at the beginning and the end? I only want to burn the seven minute segment. I need very specific instructions because I have tried everything and done everything that the tutorials and the help has said to do and nothing works. Thank you!!"


asoeli wrote on 12/20/2009, 2:21 PM
I guess you have MEP 14 or 15. You must push the film to the zero-point on Timeline. First control that the tracks are not locked. Click on "Intelligent mouse mode" (Alt+2) and place the mouse-pointer on the first (left) clip, (if you have more than one) and drag the whole "segment" to the left.  The "open space" to the right is to be forgotten.
Have I understood your problem ?