I have PhotoStory on DVD MX Deluxe and I can not open travel route animation. I have updated the program and I hope any patches with it. What can I do to fix this problem?

rhorn5 wrote on 10/13/2012, 11:07 PM

Problem: I can not access travel route animation. It will not open,

This problem occurs when I click on "travel route animation" in the File menu

I am using a Dell desktop computer

The operating system is  Windows Vista Home preium

The software is MAGIX PhotoStory on DVD MX Deluxe, version (UDC2)

When I bought the program a few months ago, everything worked fine. Now not only can I not open travel route information but I also notice that some tools are missing in Fades. I have downloaded the current upgrade to the product and tried to find a patch for the travel route animation but there doesn't appear to be one. Please help. Thank you.


gandjcarr wrote on 10/14/2012, 4:13 AM


I had the problem with Movie Edit Pro Premium back in July and the problem was fixed with a patch.  I seem to recall that the Premium version was fixed first with other versions and products to follow.

You may want to try searching the forum to see if there is a update on PhotoStory.