I have now uploaded my first website and made use of the Free Website offer that comes with Xtreme Web Designer 5 package. It has been a week now since sucessfully uploading website, but yet the site is not active yet.

Marinda wrote on 5/3/2011, 1:13 PM

I also received an e-mail confirming that my website request has been received but nothing further happened.  I have responded to this e-mail asking the question what is next, but have had no response.  What should I do now??  The website is now non-existant and I wonder if it will be under construction forever!


john-auvil wrote on 5/5/2011, 8:29 AM

Did you change the name of the exported web project from index.htm when you uploaded it through filezilla?


If so, then the path that the web browser is looking for will not pick it up, it needs to remain index.htm... If you were to re-export with the name index.htm and upload it with filezilla you should be okay.

Marinda wrote on 7/11/2011, 1:30 AM

Good Morning John,

Thanks a lot for the answer below.  I feel like working in the dark as I have no knowledge in web designing and 100% depend on the manual.  Although the manual that came with the Xtreme Web Designer 5 package has lots of details on how to create everything while still on your computer, the information ends when one needs to upload.  I have indeed changed the name and not used index.htm.  The help desk somehow fixed it on their side (not sure how) and the website - www.eddieengelbrecht.magix.net is now active.  My next mission now is to update this website. I have done some small changes and changed the name of the actual document on my computer to index.htm and uploaded it again.  The result - nothing happened.  What am I doing wrong?  Is there more places where I should change the name or a different way to maintain the website?

john-auvil wrote on 7/11/2011, 9:40 AM


I am not as knowledgeable on web design, web creation as I would like to be, so please be patient with me. I know if you change the name of the index.htm that you alter the pathway, so uploads happen, but nothing shows because the template that is to show is looking for information in the index.htm yet that was renamed so it shows nothing... I think that makes sense... I think.

So, the "Help Desk" altered the template for you to reflect the name you changed it too or, they altered the name you changed it to back to index.htm... that is something you would need to find out from them, as I am not versed enough to tell you what they might have done.

The way I understand it (is you just leave things at default) is that you make the design of the site, pictures, text, video, audio and what not on the different parts of the template then you save, then I believe you publish the website. If you have made no changes I believe it uploads your files according to how you arranged them and in and on what page, this could take some time, but I am not sure exactly how much time.

I guess I should make a website since I have the software... just never got around to it. I recommend you contact the help desk again and ask them what would be the best way to proceed.