I have music maker 17. The windows 7 computer is hooked up to a mic, and when i press record, a message pops up. the message is as follows:

jmjasper wrote on 2/23/2011, 7:07 PM


I have music maker 17. The windows 7 computer is hooked up to a mic, and when i press record, a message pops up. the message is as follows:



cannot open waveform input device. 'USB sound device

               reason: the specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. use the capabilities function to determine the supported formats.




Someone please help me! i have windows 7 and i need to know how to fix my problem.


nihon94 wrote on 2/23/2011, 8:31 PM



If you do not mind, I would like to suggest if you go to windows 7 forum and ask question that will be quicker. In the meantime some one will also answer you here.




Thank you


jmjasper wrote on 2/23/2011, 9:39 PM

that didnt help at all

 somebody please still help me!!

nihon94 wrote on 2/24/2011, 2:40 AM



Let's clear your problem.

You got Music Maker 17, does it work fine without mic? example drag and drop some audio and export as wave or mp3. Then Play and listen.


Does your mic got usb cable to connect with computer if so, what if you connect not mic but usb flash drive, or any other item other than mic does that work well?

Does your mic got any kind of installation driver if so, did you update it?

When you know the above reason you will find half of your solution.

When you use mic do you set control panel settings? if not then please read pdf it might give you some hints.



Note: it will be better if you could update MMM 17 also Windows 7.


Please try above and see.


Thank you



CBY_TLSE wrote on 2/24/2011, 12:27 PM



It seems you have a mic which is linked by USB to your computer. Could you confirm it? What mic have you?


If it is the case, the configuration parameters for the wave form produced by your mic is not compliant with MMM.

Try to find the configuration panel of your mic and select parameters for a standard CD quality : 44100 kHz 16 bits mono or stereo.


Can you use this mic with other softwares? Do you hear the sound of your mic through your soundcard?

