I have an error with the soundpools, please help

marliin wrote on 1/7/2012, 9:59 AM


I've just installed MAGIX Music Maker 16 Premium, and i've got a lot of samples/soundpools.  Therefore i wanted to make some dubstep sounds, but when i selected e.g. Drums-Addicted D, it gave a pop-up that said that there is no such folder in my computer. I went for a look-up, and there isn't. Where can i download these soundpools/samples?


And another quick question; is it possible to make your own rythms with a real keyboard?


With kind regards and lot of thanks,




nihon94 wrote on 1/8/2012, 6:50 PM

You selected a drum from which Genre. In MMM 16 Premium there are 10 styles, from Ambient to Techno trance.

It would be better if you check these tutorial for your problem.

Making own rhythms why not? connect your keyboard record and use tools available in the MMM 16 Premium to spice up your work. Just remember, Magix Music maker is not a DAW(digital audio work station), therefore, do not expect a lot. But I am sure it is still good.

