I have a domain with godaddy and free webspace with magix.How do I find out the name server?

TrevorM wrote on 8/7/2012, 5:23 PM

I have web designer 6 and embarking on my first website.  I registered a domain with godaddy and activated the free webspace in Magix.  I don't know if I should have got an email with details on this but I didn't anyway.

It seems I need the details of the 'name server' to put into godaddy to link the domain with the space I have on Magix.

Am I on the right path and how would I get this?


Many thanks



gandjcarr wrote on 8/8/2012, 6:09 AM

Hi Trevor,

I had posted a reply earlier which I deleted because I realized that I would not give you the answer you requested.  I too have a godaddy account, so I am going to research this a little more and hopefully get back to you a little later.  The easiest thing for you to do would be just transfer your godaddy domain to your magix account and take it from there, but there must be a way to get the nameserver assigne to your account.

Have you uploaded the site to your magix hosting account? and if so what url did you choose?  You should have gotten a free one when you purchased the application hosting package.


TrevorM wrote on 8/8/2012, 6:58 AM

Hi George

I've only done a little starter on the site but did upload to test it.  I sent it to http://yourname.magix.......

That bits works ok but getting it connected to the domain is proving tricky.

I had read some stuff on this and, as I would have expected, it said I should maybe have got an email giving me details of the webspace (name server etc).  That didn't happen.

I have, just this morning, went ahead and bought the 1.99 USD a month web hosting ('Web hosting M' I think).

I'd be interested to hear what you find out.


Thanks guys!
