
ralftaro wrote on 7/30/2008, 7:39 AM

First you need to make sure to tell Music Maker where it can find your external VST plug-ins. In order to do that, create a MIDI/VSTi object, open the MIDI Editor from it, click on the "Instr." drop-down list, go down to "Software instruments" and use the "VST plug-in path" command to specify the path. The program will then scan and integrate the plug-ins installed there. New VST instruments can then be selected under the "Software instruments" section in the same drop-down list. Since we're apparently talking about a VST effect here, you will have to configure that in the Music Maker mixer: Open the mixer by pressing "M" on the keyboard, click on the arrow on one of the effect slots for the track you want to assign the effect to and pick the desired effect from the drop-down list ("VST FX" section). The effect will be assigned and the interface window for the plug-in will pop up.

I hope this helps. Please keep in mind that this will only work in the "Producer Edition" of Music Maker 14. The classic version doesn't feature support of external VST plug-ins and will not feature some of the options described above.