I cannot my video proportions right. Please help!

gmanuelp wrote on 7/29/2009, 6:32 PM
I am doing a paintball video of my friend. He is moving and I would really like him to go to Texas knowing his friends will continue caring about him. That is why I want to make the video. Although whenever I want to use more than one video at a time on the screen, either the proportions or the positions of the videos are way off. This happens after I export the video as Windows Media file. While I am editing it with Magix Movie Edit Pro 14, it seems completely fine on the preview screen. I film using a Sony Handycam (MPEG 4 file formats) with a ratio aspect of 16:9. Whenever I want to export something a window opens up telling me the export settings differ from the film settings. It tells me to change them so that I may get the best quality possible, but I don't know how to change the export settings. I click on "customize movie" and supposedly adjusts the settings so that I may see how it will come out before I export. I clicked on customize movie; I parts of the movie again; the positioning is still off. Can someone please help me??


siglersmalz wrote on 7/31/2009, 12:04 AM
Are you adding any still images or other movie scenes that are not the same ratio or, particularly, pixal resolution?

You will get that warning if, for example, you have a movie with a resolution of 720x480 pixel (4:3 Aspect radio) and you put a .jpg image in there with a Resolution of 301x300 pixels.

Hope that helps.