I can't find animated arrows available in previous version

lgarciaboidi wrote on 5/9/2013, 9:20 PM

I upgrade to Photo Story  2013 and when I try to use a animated arrow available in previous version it doesn't work. I Have to load my slideshow in the previous version and get the animated arrow, close the program and go to the new version MX 2013 and it runs ok. How I can have the aniamted arrow available in the previous version without leaving form the new versio ?


cpc000cpc wrote on 5/10/2013, 8:47 PM


I've not got PhotoStory but the principle is the same for most all Magix programs.

Moving effects from one version of a Magix program to another can be done with care -- and sensibly making a backup copy of any folders you alter or replace. You will likely need not just the arrow image but usually several other files which specify how the arrow is used.

To find out where stuff is stored do a right click on the arrow object on the timeline and go to 'Object properties.... For example this is the 'Default arrow' in Movie Edit Pro:

C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\Movie Edit Pro 2013 Premium\OverlayFX\Pointer\arrow.mxv,

but there is also an 'Arrow.cfx' file which controls how the display is set up and a Translation_EN.ini entry as well for displaying the icon for the effect in the media pool menu.

If your 2013 version doesn't have anything unique it will be easiest to copy the entire folder from your old version of PhotoStory rather that trying to extract just what's necessary for the one animated arrow.

Hope this helps,





lgarciaboidi wrote on 5/12/2013, 8:22 PM

Thanks Carl, very helpful your answer. May I use cfx and ini file to be applied to other arrow ?

cpc000cpc wrote on 5/13/2013, 8:34 PM


Easy, once you've done it! But not so easy to describe without seeing your folder contents. In MEP the arrows are in a folder 'Pointer':

But the media pool menu is titled 'Present':

The .ini file contains the following:


name=Default arrow

name=Bold arrow

name=Arrow 01

What's in the square brackets is the file name of any components used to create the effect -- always a .cfx file but additionally maybe .mvx, .jpg or .tga files. The name= entry is the name that appears in the media pool menu. In this case there happens to be a 'Bold arrow' entry in the .ini file but there are no files (eg boldarrow.cfx & boldarrow.mvx) so there is nothing showing in the media pool.

Your task has two parts (after you make a backup copy of the folder!):

  1. Copy all the required animated arrow files (.cfx etc) from your old PhotoStory folder to the 2013 version folder.
  2. Add the matching .ini file lines from your old version .ini file to your 2013 version ini file.









lgarciaboidi wrote on 5/14/2013, 12:51 PM

Thanks Carl

It take me some time to do because it was difficult to open ProgramData Folder (it doesn;t show directly) but I could understand thta not all the pointers are animated, also I could from my Movie edit program one additional element that was not working in the program.

Thank you, this set of program takes time to understand and use, shame that it lacks of a better manual. I am still learning new things continuosly


cpc000cpc wrote on 5/14/2013, 7:07 PM


Pleased to hear you've made progress. Some say the MEP 'learning curve' is a more like a 'learning wall', but taken small steps at a time you do get there. I've been using Magix video editors since before MEP 10 or 11, when the English version was called Video DeLuxe, and am still finding new features or workarounds -- often as a result of trying to answer questions here.

I happened to be half ready to reply (done similar, but not written it down!) to your arrow question because a friend just recently wanted to use an orange butterfly decoration from an older version rather than the blue one in MEP 2013. It's good to get some new decorations now and then, but one wonders why Magix doesn't leave older examples intact.

