how to use ur own website navigation?

Backpack wrote on 7/18/2008, 5:07 AM
Hey, Im using Magix online website manager, the free version, and want to delete the list of shortcuts/navigation bar?. I want to use my own way of navigate trough the page. Ive searched but foun no answers on my question.

Yes, maybe it's a limitation...When I choose background the navigation bar dissapears.


ralftaro wrote on 7/18/2008, 6:03 AM
Well, I guess technically this can be done. Just select the navigation bar first. If you're not in the navigation layer, you will have to hold down the Control key on the keyboard to be able to highlight the navigation bar. Just remove it by pressing the Delete key on the keyboard. Now, you could set up your completely customized navigation system by putting the text or graphic links (or whatever you had in mind) on the page(s). You will have to manually attach the internal links to them via the "Linking" section in the "Properties" panel, with the various pages of your website being the linking destinations. If you want the same navigation system to appear on each page, you would have to put your navigation items into the "Navigation" layer of the site (see "Pages" panel). Navigation items that are only supposed to appear on individual pages (e.g. previous/next buttons) would have to be put on those.
Backpack wrote on 7/18/2008, 6:11 AM
Hmm, I can't find the navigation layer, only my own pages and the background...It's supposed to be in the "pages" part of the window?
ralftaro wrote on 7/18/2008, 6:56 AM
Hmm, I guess it's a limitation in the Website Maker version you're using. Try the background layer instead. I didn't test whether that would work, but it's worth a shot.