Computer: i5-4670K 3,4 ghz, 8 Gb ram, 64 bit win 10, ssd samsung evo 1 tb drive, free 200Gb, Nvidia GTX770, win 10 creators update.
MAGIX Video Pro x7,
Now to the problem. I have few mts files which i want to just cut and join to one movie. Its typical files from camera, 1920 1080, 16000-16500 KB/s (i guess variable?), 29,97 fps, 48kHz stereo 256 Kb/s. H264 MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) h264 Planar 4:2:0 YUV
Timeline i make the same, resolution, fps, AC3 sound. And as i saw about smartrender information there is less than none:
Please note: The AVCHD files contained in the movie must have the same format, i.e. the bit rates (variable or constant), audio formats, image resolutions and video formats must match.
Easy, just make resolution and etc the same and off you go.
So i try export, MPEG-4, feel i must pick AVCHD transport 1920 1080 29,97i, choose it, go to advanced, make bitrates 16000, sound options, check smart copy. Here it gets complicated, no idea what to choose on GOP, CPB, HRD and others. And when i press ok, in the middle of MPEG-4 export there i see new button - "Smart render info...".
When i press it there is empty box and just text at top "Normal rendering is activated. Information on SmartRender or SmartCopy is only available if one of these options is available and selected". So of course when i press ok it takes ages to finish and quality gets worse, because rendering gets done again on those files.
My aim to join files is just make one file out of 2 (for example). No intros, no text nothing, just import mts, and save it as one file without rendering again and losing quality. Later i will watch it on TV. Now i watch too, just don't want 2 separate files.
I just feel it is only option to keep quality intact. Of course i tried exporting various formats, but quality gets worse, or file gets bigger. I decided it is enough without effects and mercalli prodads, just join :).
And one example of how it could be done: if i make timeline 800:600 and try to add hd movie clip, it just asks to apply hd settings to movie, and that's it.