How to use iTunes music in videos

wevodaur wrote on 3/28/2013, 7:27 PM

I'm preparing a slideshow video for DVD and I want to use an iTunes song.  I go to the Media section and locate my iTunes music folder, but when I double click on the album that contains the song I want nothing shows up.  It's like the album folder is empty.  Am I missing a setting or preference somewhere?  It is possible to use iTunes songs for the videos isn't it?




cpc000cpc wrote on 3/28/2013, 8:37 PM


I'm certainly not the best person to answer with neither PhotoStory nor iTunes, but I can suggest:

  • What is the file format of your song? Nothing showing up after opening an iTunes album suggests that it is an unusual format.
  • Check if you can import into any other music playing program -- your problem may be with iTunes not Magix. 
  • Have a look at this about converting files formats to something PhotoStory can use --

Others may have better advice.



wevodaur wrote on 3/29/2013, 7:36 AM



Thank you.  I appreciate the quick answer.  I believe you are correct.  I used iTunes advanced features to create an mp3 version of the song I wanted to use, and then it did show up in the Photostory Media list.




Rosaura1234 wrote on 4/2/2013, 10:16 PM

If you want to use itunes music, you should at first check out its formats and if your burning software supports it.