How to synchronize new bass and instrument tracks with existing mp3 track.

temo2 wrote on 1/2/2012, 10:14 AM

Product: MMK MX newest version

OS: WindowsXP



I want to add bass and other instrumentaton to an existing mp3. I understand the edit process but can't seem to get the tracks to synchronize using Beat Recognition and Timestretch features. Any Help would be grately appeciated. Thanks


Procyon wrote on 1/2/2012, 12:31 PM

Are we to assume the "existing MP3" is from an outside source?  That would meean the file is not tagged with a tempo (BPM) that MMM recognizes.

First, you would need to import the MP3 into a new arrangement and run the beat recognition function so that a BPM can be assigned to the file and saved.

Then, you would import the MP3 into a NEW arrangement.  This will cause the arrangement tempo to automatically adjust itself to the MP3 tempo (unless you turned this feature off).

Now any soundpool files will automatically adjust themselves to the arrangement/MP3 tempo.

(If you don't do this, any soundpool files will adjust to the set arrangement tempo, which may be different than the MP3 tempo.)