How to put off metronome in vita

jukebox53 wrote on 5/19/2008, 3:23 PM
Hi, my question is also below here and I got an answer but it is not clear to me how to answer in the same threat. My question was : How to put off the metronome in Vita. I got this answer: uncheck the metronome at the bottom of the midi -window. I can't find this uncheck box. is it perhaps somwhere under options or is it at the bottom of the screen. I really can't find it. ...


ralftaro wrote on 5/20/2008, 2:49 AM
Once again, the answer ultimately depends on what program you're using. I was just taking a guess. Maybe you can clarify what audio program and what version you're using. If it is a current Music Maker version and you don't seem to see the "Metronome" checkbox in the Midi Editor window, make sure that the entire window is displayed on the screen. You might have to maximize it or drag it up a little higher on the screen. Maybe the lower part is currently cut off.
BabaSikander wrote on 5/21/2008, 7:04 AM
In case you want to add some more details to your question, please edit the question, do not post a new one. Thanks!

Regarding your question: In case you refer to the MuMa, you will find the metronome at the bottom of the midi editor window.

In the latest version, there is no metronome available for audio recordings. You can make a workaround by just adding a audio track with drumsounds on each beat. This will give you kinda improvised "metronome"
