How to mix two of one person in a video?

Taterific wrote on 4/27/2008, 8:53 PM
I have this awesome idea, but I need there to be two "me's" running around at the same time. I don't own a Green/Black/White screen for this, and there are stairs. I tried the Mix, and Alpha channels, but one of the me's is always Transparent. Is this even possible without a green/black/white screen!?


ralftaro wrote on 4/28/2008, 1:57 AM
Depending on what effect exactly you want to achieve, chroma-keying (e.g. blue/green screen) might not have to be involved. Rather, the proper and creative use of the image size and position controls is what you should be looking at. Maybe this will give you some ideas and inspirations:

Other effects, however, might not be possible without the shooting of blue/green screen footage and the use of the chroma-keying functions in Movie Edit Pro.