How to create parent-child pages in Xara 6

rdaconnect wrote on 7/18/2011, 3:23 PM

I am using Xara Web Designer 6 and an having a problem figuring out how to create child-parent pages or sub-pages. Every page I add automatically creates a new tab/button on the navigation bar and it's getting messy. There must be some Site Navigation overview where I can designate certain pages as Child Pages that only link to Parent Pages which are visible in the navigation bar. 

The Index of the Help does not list "parent" or "child" or "submenu" so I am very confused about how this is done - but surely people don't have dozens of navigation buttons on a site just because they have dozens of pages!

If anyone has figured this out, could you give point-by-point instructions on how to do this? Thanks!




Former user wrote on 7/20/2011, 4:31 AM


right click on your navigation then "Edit navigation bar" opens the navigation editor. Here you are able to "build" your own navigation as you like. You can create, hide, link, rename ... buttons, create submenus and so on. It's quite easy. So please try it out and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask us here :-)



Steinarpladsen wrote on 9/20/2011, 6:34 AM

Hi, I do have exactly the same problem, finding how and where will be sub-pages show up? 
Andre, your answer does not cover our question!?

We know the "Edit Navigation" functions... 
It is a great function, but what about the pages? 

But are we supposed to make a new xara file for the sub-pages or what? 
A sub-menu does not show up in the ordinary file as expected...


Steinarpladsen wrote on 9/29/2011, 5:51 AM

Solved it! - What I did:

1) Duplicated the mainpage which is the f.eks. the 3rd meny ("Vaktmester"). To explaine, let's call it page 3,0 (it is one of the mainpages, se here

2) Renamed it to "Vaktmester - vakt". Then the mainmenu increased to the unwanted extra menubutton as it should not because it is a sub-page...

3) Went into editing the menubar and DELETED the unwanted extra mainmenubutton.

4) Went to the already made ready sub-menu "Vaktmester Vakt telefon" (first choise below "Vaktmester" submenu.

5) Linked the submenu "Vaktmester Vakt telefon" to the new page ("Vaktmester - vakt" see P2)

But: As you can see - there is not a PRESSURED main button menu after have choosen the sub-pages....
Check it here:
- Test in the 3rd menu: VAKTMESTER.
- And test the submenu below VAKTMESTER.

Then you can see that the VAKTMESTER button is not "down/pressured/Mouse Over" any more.